#tsu 20000605
[00:12] undef_afk (~undef@proxy.state.co.us) joined #tsu.
[00:12] <ageha> こんばんわ
[00:12] <pulacky> コンバンワラ
[00:15] <Chaos> こんぱんわ
[00:26] Nick change: like_I-Pot -> prxlike
[00:48] diver (~dvr@proxy.state.co.us) joined #tsu.
[00:48] <diver> こんば
[00:48] <prxlike> こんばんはぁ
[00:48] <ageha> こんばんわ
[00:49] <Chaos> こんばんわ
[00:50] undef_afk (~undef@proxy.state.co.us) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
[00:52] undef_afk (~undef@proxy.state.co.us) joined #tsu.
[01:07] <Chaos> マターリヽ(´ー`)ノ
[01:11] gtd (~gtd@ns1.mitsubishi-seibi.ac.jp) joined #tsu.
[01:11] <ageha> こんばんわ
[01:12] <gtd> こんばんは
[01:12] <prxlike> こんばんはぁ
[01:12] <Chaos> こんばんわ
[01:12] <diver> こんばんは
[01:32] <undef_afk> #
[01:32] <undef_afk> ガーン(;´Д`)
[01:33] <prxlike> あー、今日はONにしてなかったよ(^^ゞ
[01:34] <undef_afk> ヽ(;゚ロ゚)ノエーーーーーー!?
[01:34] <undef_afk> # ヽ(;゚ロ゚)ノエーーーーーー!?
[01:34] <undef_afk> 警戒してるな(;´ー`)
[01:35] ageha (~ageha@mail.smi.bonnier.se) left irc: Leaving
[01:35] <Chaos> 川゚ε゚川
[01:36] <prxlike> ・・・まぁ、もう寝るし。
[01:36] ageha (~ageha@mail.smi.bonnier.se) joined #tsu.
[01:36] <Chaos> おかえりー
[01:37] <ageha> ただいまぁ。ウィンドウ間違ってkillしてしまった。
[01:37] <prxlike> おかえりぃ
[01:38] <gtd> おかえり
[01:41] Nick change: prxlike -> prxlike_slp
[01:41] <Chaos> ジャパネット高田、、、
[01:41] <prxlike_slp> おやすみぃ
[01:43] <diver> おやすみなさい
[01:43] <ageha> おやすみなさい
[01:45] Chaos (~aa@ left irc: Ping timeout
[01:45] chaotic (~aa@ joined #tsu.
[01:46] <chaotic> ヽ('Д'*)ノ
[01:46] <ageha> おかえりなさい
[01:46] <chaotic> ただいまぁ
[01:47] <chaotic> ーーーーー納豆ご飯タイムここからーーーーー
[01:47] <ageha> めしあがれ
[01:47] Nick change: chaotic -> Chs_meshi
[01:48] <gtd> いいなぁ
[01:48] <gtd> 私は 風呂タイム(笑)
[01:48] <ageha> いってらっしゃい
[01:53] Nick change: diver -> dvr_away
[01:53] <ageha> いってらっしゃい
[01:59] dvr_away (~dvr@proxy.state.co.us) left irc: Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)
[01:59] dvr_away (~dvr@proxy.state.co.us) joined #tsu.
[02:05] Nick change: Chs_meshi -> Chaos
[02:05] <Chaos> ーーーーー納豆ご飯タイムここまでーーーーー
[02:06] <Chaos> 今日は奮発して納豆2パックでした('ー'*)ノ
[02:09] <ageha> http://gestell.virtualave.net/cgi-bin/zis.cgi
[02:09] <ageha> ここに POST 対応させた telnet.cgi アプしておいた
[02:16] <Chaos> ん?
[02:18] <Chaos> 頂きますー
[02:32] <gtd> ふぃー ただいまです
[02:33] <Chaos> ヲカエリ('Д'
[02:33] <ageha> おかえりなさい。telnet.cgi どうぞ。
[02:34] <gtd> ? あ 上のですね
[02:34] <ageha> そそ
[02:35] <gtd> どもども
[02:35] <gtd> あ ガキさんだ 健在だったんですね(汗
[02:36] <ageha> みたいですね。>ガキさん
[03:02] ikimania (~unkown@empire1.skylinenyc.com) left irc: Leaving
[03:05] Nick change: dvr_away -> diver
[03:05] <gtd> 飯ー
[03:08] <Chaos> いてらさい
[03:34] Nick change: undef_afk -> undef_QK
[03:50] <gtd> ただいま
[03:51] <Chaos> ヲカエリー
[03:53] gtd (~gtd@ns1.mitsubishi-seibi.ac.jp) left irc: Ping timeout
[03:56] gtd (~gtd@ns1.mitsubishi-seibi.ac.jp) joined #tsu.
[03:56] <ageha> おかえりなさい
[03:57] <Chaos> ヲカエリー('Д'*)
[03:57] <gtd> ただいまです
[04:08] <ageha> もう寝ます。おやすみなさい。
[04:08] <Chaos> 寝ますです。
[04:08] <Chaos> おやすみなさい。
[04:08] <gtd> さよなら
[04:08] <Chaos> でわ
[04:09] <ageha> またね
[04:09] <diver> おやすみなちい
[04:09] Chaos (~aa@ left irc: Leaving
[04:09] ageha (~ageha@mail.smi.bonnier.se) left #tsu.
[04:10] Chaos (~aa@ joined #tsu.
[04:10] Nick change: Chaos -> Chs_slp
[04:10] <Chs_slp> 間違えた、、こんどこそおやすみなさい。
[04:10] <diver> おやす
[04:12] <gtd> おやつ
[04:13] <diver> でわ、うちもそろそろ寝るです
[04:13] <diver> また〜
[04:14] diver (~dvr@proxy.state.co.us) left irc: ヽ( ´ー`)丿。.:*:・'゚☆。.:*:・'゚
[04:14] <gtd> あ
[04:14] <gtd> おやすみなさい
[04:16] ageha (~ageha@mail.smi.bonnier.se) joined #tsu.
[04:17] ageha (~ageha@mail.smi.bonnier.se) left #tsu.
[04:18] <gtd> あれ?
[04:50] pulacky (~webmaster@proxy.state.co.us) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
[04:56] p0kopen (~youkosoyo@dialup-user145.wao.or.jp) joined #tsu.
[04:56] <p0kopen> はよ〜〜ん
[04:58] <gtd> おはようです
[05:28] luci_work (~lucifer@proxy.state.co.us) left irc: Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)
[05:38] luci_work (~lucifer@proxy.state.co.us) joined #tsu.
[05:54] StyxFlow (~lucifer@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com) joined #tsu.
[05:56] StyxFlow (~lucifer@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com) left irc: Read error: 0 (Error 0)
[06:02] StyxFlow (~lucifer@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com) joined #tsu.
[06:02] StyxFlow (~lucifer@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com) left irc: Read error: 0 (Error 0)
[06:09] luci_work (~lucifer@proxy.state.co.us) left irc: Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)
[06:21] lucifer (~_@proxy.state.co.us) joined #tsu.
[06:22] Nick change: lucifer -> luci_work
[06:26] _hoge_ (~_StyxFlow@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com) joined #tsu.
[06:27] <_hoge_> aaa
[06:27] <_hoge_> (b
[06:27] _hoge_ kicked from #tsu by H2O: Do you know what ShiftJIS is?
[06:27] _hoge_ (~_StyxFlow@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com) joined #tsu.
[06:27] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*_StyxFlow@c??????-a.htfdc?.ct.home.com' by H2O!~StyxFlow@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[06:27] Action: iki0bot Detected A Banned Word by _hoge_
[06:27] Action: iki0bot Bad Language Is Not Fun, _hoge_ Should never have said that...
[06:27] _hoge_ kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: Get The out of here with that kind of talk
[06:29] walker (~anony@proxy.state.co.us) joined #tsu.
[06:29] <walker> おはよう
[06:29] <walker> あ、、
[06:29] Nick change: walker -> smoker
[06:29] _hoge_ (~StyxFlow@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com) joined #tsu.
[06:30] <_hoge_> (b
[06:30] _hoge_ kicked from #tsu by H2O: Do you know what ShiftJIS is?
[06:30] <iki0bot> Has taken action on _hoge_ for the 2nd Offense
[06:30] _hoge_ (~StyxFlow@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com) joined #tsu.
[06:30] #tsu: mode change '+b *!StyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[06:30] _hoge_ kicked from #tsu by H2O: ShiftJIS only - begone with you babbler go back to your mom's bedside
[06:30] _hoge_ (~StyxFlow@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com) joined #tsu.
[06:30] <smoker> nannda
[06:30] <smoker> ?
[06:30] <iki0bot> _hoge_ You Have Had Your Chances, Now You Are Out of Here. Strike! two Your --------=>>> Out.
[06:30] <iki0bot> _hoge_ You Are Not Welcomed Here Anymore...
[06:30] _hoge_ kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: For abusive language [Perm]
[06:30] _hoge_ (~StyxFlow@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com) joined #tsu.
[06:30] #tsu: mode change '-bb+b *!*_StyxFlow@c??????-a.htfdc?.ct.home.com *!StyxFlow@*.ct.home.com *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[06:30] _hoge_ kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: Perm banned for 4 bad word offenses
[06:30] #tsu: mode change '-b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by H2O!~StyxFlow@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[06:30] Kicking iki0bot, for mass kick.
[06:30] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: Banned
[06:30] H2O joined #tsu.
[06:31] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[06:31] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[06:35] H2O joined #tsu.
[06:35] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[06:35] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[06:39] H2O joined #tsu.
[06:39] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[06:39] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[06:39] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[06:44] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[06:44] H2O joined #tsu.
[06:44] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[06:44] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[06:49] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[06:49] H2O joined #tsu.
[06:49] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[06:49] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[06:54] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[06:54] H2O joined #tsu.
[06:54] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[06:54] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[06:59] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[06:59] H2O joined #tsu.
[06:59] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[06:59] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[07:04] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[07:04] H2O joined #tsu.
[07:04] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[07:04] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[07:09] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[07:09] H2O joined #tsu.
[07:09] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[07:09] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[07:14] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[07:14] H2O joined #tsu.
[07:14] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[07:14] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[07:19] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[07:19] H2O joined #tsu.
[07:19] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[07:19] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[07:24] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[07:24] H2O joined #tsu.
[07:24] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[07:24] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[07:29] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[07:29] H2O joined #tsu.
[07:29] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[07:29] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[07:34] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[07:34] H2O joined #tsu.
[07:34] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[07:34] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[07:34] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[07:39] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[07:39] H2O joined #tsu.
[07:39] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[07:39] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[07:39] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[07:44] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[07:44] H2O joined #tsu.
[07:44] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[07:44] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[07:49] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[07:49] H2O joined #tsu.
[07:49] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[07:49] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[07:54] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[07:54] H2O joined #tsu.
[07:54] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[07:54] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[07:59] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[07:59] H2O joined #tsu.
[07:59] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[07:59] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[08:04] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[08:04] H2O joined #tsu.
[08:04] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[08:04] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[08:04] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[08:09] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[08:09] H2O joined #tsu.
[08:09] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[08:09] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[08:14] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[08:14] H2O joined #tsu.
[08:14] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[08:14] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[08:19] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[08:19] H2O joined #tsu.
[08:19] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[08:19] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[08:24] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[08:24] H2O joined #tsu.
[08:24] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[08:24] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[08:29] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[08:29] H2O joined #tsu.
[08:29] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[08:29] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[08:29] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[08:34] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[08:34] H2O joined #tsu.
[08:34] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[08:34] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[08:39] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[08:39] H2O joined #tsu.
[08:39] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[08:39] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[08:44] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[08:44] H2O joined #tsu.
[08:44] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[08:44] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[08:49] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[08:49] H2O joined #tsu.
[08:49] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[08:49] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[08:54] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[08:54] H2O joined #tsu.
[08:54] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[08:54] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[08:59] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[08:59] H2O joined #tsu.
[08:59] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[08:59] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[09:04] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[09:04] H2O joined #tsu.
[09:04] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[09:04] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[09:09] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[09:09] H2O joined #tsu.
[09:09] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[09:09] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[09:14] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[09:14] H2O joined #tsu.
[09:14] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[09:14] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[09:19] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[09:19] H2O joined #tsu.
[09:19] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[09:19] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[09:24] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[09:24] H2O joined #tsu.
[09:24] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[09:24] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[09:29] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[09:29] H2O joined #tsu.
[09:29] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[09:29] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[09:34] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[09:34] H2O joined #tsu.
[09:34] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[09:34] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[09:39] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[09:39] H2O joined #tsu.
[09:39] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[09:39] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[09:44] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[09:44] H2O joined #tsu.
[09:44] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[09:44] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[09:49] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[09:49] H2O joined #tsu.
[09:49] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[09:49] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[09:54] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[09:54] H2O joined #tsu.
[09:54] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[09:54] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[09:59] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[09:59] H2O joined #tsu.
[09:59] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[09:59] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[10:04] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[10:04] H2O joined #tsu.
[10:04] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[10:04] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[10:09] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[10:09] H2O joined #tsu.
[10:09] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[10:09] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[10:09] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[10:14] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[10:14] H2O joined #tsu.
[10:14] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[10:14] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[10:19] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[10:19] H2O joined #tsu.
[10:19] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[10:19] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[10:24] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[10:24] H2O joined #tsu.
[10:24] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[10:24] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[10:29] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[10:29] H2O joined #tsu.
[10:29] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[10:29] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[10:34] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[10:34] H2O joined #tsu.
[10:34] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[10:34] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[10:39] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[10:39] H2O joined #tsu.
[10:39] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[10:39] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[10:44] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[10:44] H2O joined #tsu.
[10:44] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[10:44] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[10:49] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[10:49] H2O joined #tsu.
[10:49] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[10:49] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[10:54] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[10:54] H2O joined #tsu.
[10:54] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[10:54] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[10:59] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[10:59] H2O joined #tsu.
[10:59] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[10:59] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[11:04] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[11:04] H2O joined #tsu.
[11:04] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[11:04] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[11:09] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[11:09] H2O joined #tsu.
[11:09] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[11:09] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[11:14] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[11:14] H2O joined #tsu.
[11:14] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[11:14] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[11:19] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[11:19] H2O joined #tsu.
[11:19] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[11:19] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[11:19] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[11:24] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[11:24] H2O joined #tsu.
[11:24] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[11:24] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[11:24] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[11:29] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[11:29] H2O joined #tsu.
[11:29] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[11:29] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[11:34] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[11:34] H2O joined #tsu.
[11:34] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[11:34] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[11:39] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[11:39] H2O joined #tsu.
[11:39] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[11:39] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[11:44] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[11:44] H2O joined #tsu.
[11:44] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[11:44] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[11:44] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[11:49] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[11:49] H2O joined #tsu.
[11:49] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[11:49] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[11:54] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[11:54] H2O joined #tsu.
[11:54] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[11:54] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[11:59] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[11:59] H2O joined #tsu.
[11:59] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[11:59] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[12:04] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[12:04] H2O joined #tsu.
[12:04] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[12:04] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[12:09] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[12:09] H2O joined #tsu.
[12:09] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[12:09] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[12:09] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[12:14] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[12:14] H2O joined #tsu.
[12:14] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[12:14] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[12:19] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[12:19] H2O joined #tsu.
[12:19] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[12:19] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[12:24] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[12:24] H2O joined #tsu.
[12:24] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[12:24] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[12:29] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[12:29] H2O joined #tsu.
[12:29] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[12:29] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[12:34] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[12:34] H2O joined #tsu.
[12:34] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[12:34] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[12:39] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[12:39] H2O joined #tsu.
[12:39] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[12:39] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[12:39] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[12:44] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[12:44] H2O joined #tsu.
[12:44] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[12:44] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[12:49] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[12:49] H2O joined #tsu.
[12:49] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[12:49] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[12:54] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[12:54] H2O joined #tsu.
[12:54] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[12:54] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[12:59] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[12:59] H2O joined #tsu.
[12:59] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[12:59] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[13:04] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[13:04] H2O joined #tsu.
[13:04] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[13:04] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[13:09] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[13:09] H2O joined #tsu.
[13:09] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[13:09] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[13:14] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[13:14] H2O joined #tsu.
[13:14] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[13:14] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[13:19] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[13:19] H2O joined #tsu.
[13:19] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[13:19] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[13:24] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[13:24] H2O joined #tsu.
[13:24] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[13:24] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[13:24] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[13:29] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[13:29] H2O joined #tsu.
[13:29] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[13:29] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[13:34] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[13:34] H2O joined #tsu.
[13:34] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[13:34] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[13:39] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[13:39] H2O joined #tsu.
[13:40] #tsu: mode change '+o H2O' by ChanServ!ircd@services.fef.net
[13:40] ikizerobot (~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com) joined #tsu.
[13:41] #tsu: mode change '+o ikizerobot' by ChanServ!ircd@services.fef.net
[13:41] #tsu: mode change '+b-o *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com H2O' by ikizerobot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[13:41] #tsu: mode change '+o H2O' by ChanServ!ircd@services.fef.net
[13:41] #tsu: mode change '-b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by H2O!~StyxFlow@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[13:41] #tsu: mode change '-o H2O' by ikizerobot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[13:41] #tsu: mode change '+o H2O' by ChanServ!ircd@services.fef.net
[13:41] H2O kicked from #tsu by ikizerobot: 1st Offense Badword
[13:41] H2O joined #tsu.
[13:41] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by ikizerobot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[13:41] H2O kicked from #tsu by ikizerobot: 1st Offense Badword
[13:41] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[13:46] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[13:46] H2O joined #tsu.
[13:46] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[13:46] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[13:51] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[13:51] H2O joined #tsu.
[13:51] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[13:51] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[13:56] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[13:56] H2O joined #tsu.
[13:56] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[13:56] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[13:56] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[14:01] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[14:01] H2O joined #tsu.
[14:01] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[14:01] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[14:01] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[14:06] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[14:06] H2O joined #tsu.
[14:06] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[14:06] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[14:11] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[14:11] H2O joined #tsu.
[14:11] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[14:11] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[14:16] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[14:16] H2O joined #tsu.
[14:16] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[14:16] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[14:21] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[14:21] H2O joined #tsu.
[14:21] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[14:21] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[14:26] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[14:26] H2O joined #tsu.
[14:26] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[14:26] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[14:26] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[14:31] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[14:31] H2O joined #tsu.
[14:31] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[14:31] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[14:36] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[14:36] H2O joined #tsu.
[14:36] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[14:36] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[14:41] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[14:41] H2O joined #tsu.
[14:41] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[14:41] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[14:41] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[14:46] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[14:46] H2O joined #tsu.
[14:46] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[14:46] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[14:51] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[14:51] H2O joined #tsu.
[14:51] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[14:51] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[14:51] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[14:56] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[14:56] H2O joined #tsu.
[14:56] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[14:56] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[15:01] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[15:01] H2O joined #tsu.
[15:01] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[15:01] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[15:06] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[15:06] H2O joined #tsu.
[15:06] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[15:06] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[15:11] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[15:11] H2O joined #tsu.
[15:11] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[15:11] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[15:11] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[15:16] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[15:16] H2O joined #tsu.
[15:16] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[15:16] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[15:21] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[15:21] H2O joined #tsu.
[15:21] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[15:21] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[15:26] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[15:26] H2O joined #tsu.
[15:26] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[15:26] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[15:31] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[15:31] H2O joined #tsu.
[15:31] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[15:31] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[15:36] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[15:36] H2O joined #tsu.
[15:36] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[15:36] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[15:41] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[15:41] H2O joined #tsu.
[15:41] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[15:41] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[15:46] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[15:46] H2O joined #tsu.
[15:46] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[15:46] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[15:51] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[15:51] H2O joined #tsu.
[15:51] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[15:51] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[15:56] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[15:56] H2O joined #tsu.
[15:56] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[15:56] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[16:01] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[16:01] H2O joined #tsu.
[16:01] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[16:01] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[16:01] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[16:06] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[16:06] H2O joined #tsu.
[16:06] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[16:06] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[16:11] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[16:11] H2O joined #tsu.
[16:11] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[16:11] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[16:16] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[16:16] H2O joined #tsu.
[16:16] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[16:16] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[16:21] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[16:21] H2O joined #tsu.
[16:21] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[16:21] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[16:21] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[16:26] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[16:26] H2O joined #tsu.
[16:26] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[16:26] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[16:31] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[16:31] H2O joined #tsu.
[16:31] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[16:31] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[16:36] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[16:36] H2O joined #tsu.
[16:36] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[16:36] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[16:41] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[16:41] H2O joined #tsu.
[16:41] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[16:41] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[16:46] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[16:46] H2O joined #tsu.
[16:46] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[16:46] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[16:51] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[16:51] H2O joined #tsu.
[16:51] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[16:51] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[16:56] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[16:56] H2O joined #tsu.
[16:56] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[16:56] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[17:01] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[17:01] H2O joined #tsu.
[17:01] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[17:01] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[17:01] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[17:06] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[17:06] H2O joined #tsu.
[17:06] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[17:06] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[17:29] Last message repeated 2 time(s).
[17:29] H2O joined #tsu.
[17:29] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[17:29] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[17:34] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[17:34] CO2 joined #tsu.
[17:34] CO2 kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[17:34] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[17:39] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[17:39] H2O joined #tsu.
[17:39] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[17:39] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[17:39] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[17:44] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[17:44] H2O joined #tsu.
[17:44] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[17:44] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[17:49] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[17:49] H2O joined #tsu.
[17:49] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[17:49] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[17:49] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[17:54] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[17:54] H2O joined #tsu.
[17:54] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[17:54] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[17:59] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[17:59] H2O joined #tsu.
[17:59] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[17:59] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[18:04] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[18:04] H2O joined #tsu.
[18:04] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[18:04] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[18:09] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[18:09] H2O joined #tsu.
[18:09] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[18:09] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[18:14] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[18:14] H2O joined #tsu.
[18:14] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[18:14] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[18:14] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[18:19] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[18:19] H2O joined #tsu.
[18:19] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[18:19] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[18:24] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[18:24] H2O joined #tsu.
[18:24] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[18:24] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[18:29] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[18:29] H2O joined #tsu.
[18:29] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[18:29] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[18:34] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[18:34] H2O joined #tsu.
[18:34] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[18:34] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[18:39] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[18:39] H2O joined #tsu.
[18:39] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[18:39] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[18:39] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[18:44] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[18:44] H2O joined #tsu.
[18:44] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[18:44] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[18:49] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[18:49] H2O joined #tsu.
[18:49] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[18:49] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[18:54] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[18:54] H2O joined #tsu.
[18:54] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[18:54] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[18:59] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[18:59] H2O joined #tsu.
[18:59] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[18:59] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[19:04] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[19:04] H2O joined #tsu.
[19:04] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[19:04] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[19:09] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[19:09] H2O joined #tsu.
[19:09] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[19:09] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[19:14] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[19:14] H2O joined #tsu.
[19:14] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[19:14] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[19:19] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[19:19] H2O joined #tsu.
[19:19] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[19:19] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[19:19] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[19:24] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[19:24] H2O joined #tsu.
[19:24] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[19:24] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[19:29] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[19:29] H2O joined #tsu.
[19:29] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[19:29] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[19:34] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[19:34] H2O joined #tsu.
[19:34] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[19:34] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[19:34] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[19:39] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[19:39] H2O joined #tsu.
[19:39] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[19:39] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[19:44] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[19:44] H2O joined #tsu.
[19:44] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[19:44] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[19:49] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[19:49] H2O joined #tsu.
[19:49] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[19:49] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[19:54] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[19:54] H2O joined #tsu.
[19:54] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[19:54] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[19:54] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[19:59] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[19:59] H2O joined #tsu.
[19:59] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[19:59] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[20:04] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[20:04] H2O joined #tsu.
[20:04] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[20:04] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[20:04] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[20:09] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[20:09] H2O joined #tsu.
[20:09] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[20:09] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[20:14] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[20:14] H2O joined #tsu.
[20:14] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[20:14] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[20:19] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[20:19] H2O joined #tsu.
[20:19] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[20:19] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[20:24] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[20:24] H2O joined #tsu.
[20:24] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[20:24] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[20:24] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[20:29] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[20:29] H2O joined #tsu.
[20:29] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[20:29] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[20:34] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[20:34] H2O joined #tsu.
[20:34] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[20:34] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[20:39] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[20:39] H2O joined #tsu.
[20:39] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[20:39] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[20:39] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[20:44] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[20:44] H2O joined #tsu.
[20:44] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[20:44] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[20:44] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[20:49] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[20:49] H2O joined #tsu.
[20:49] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[20:49] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[20:54] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[20:54] H2O joined #tsu.
[20:54] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[20:54] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[20:59] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[20:59] H2O joined #tsu.
[20:59] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[20:59] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[21:04] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[21:04] H2O joined #tsu.
[21:04] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[21:04] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[21:09] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[21:09] H2O joined #tsu.
[21:09] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[21:09] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[21:09] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[21:14] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[21:14] H2O joined #tsu.
[21:14] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[21:14] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[21:14] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[21:19] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[21:19] H2O joined #tsu.
[21:19] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[21:19] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[21:24] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[21:24] H2O joined #tsu.
[21:24] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[21:24] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[21:29] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[21:29] H2O joined #tsu.
[21:29] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[21:29] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[21:34] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[21:34] H2O joined #tsu.
[21:34] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[21:34] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[21:39] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[21:39] H2O joined #tsu.
[21:39] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[21:39] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[21:44] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[21:44] H2O joined #tsu.
[21:44] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[21:44] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[21:44] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[21:49] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[21:49] H2O joined #tsu.
[21:49] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[21:49] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[21:54] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[21:54] H2O joined #tsu.
[21:54] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[21:54] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[21:54] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[21:59] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[21:59] H2O joined #tsu.
[21:59] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[21:59] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[22:04] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[22:04] H2O joined #tsu.
[22:04] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[22:04] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[22:09] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[22:09] H2O joined #tsu.
[22:09] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[22:09] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[22:14] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[22:14] H2O joined #tsu.
[22:14] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[22:14] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[22:19] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[22:19] H2O joined #tsu.
[22:19] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[22:19] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[22:24] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[22:24] H2O joined #tsu.
[22:24] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[22:24] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[22:29] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[22:29] H2O joined #tsu.
[22:29] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[22:29] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[22:34] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[22:34] H2O joined #tsu.
[22:34] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[22:34] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[22:39] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[22:39] H2O joined #tsu.
[22:39] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[22:39] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[22:44] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[22:44] H2O joined #tsu.
[22:44] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[22:44] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[22:49] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[22:49] H2O joined #tsu.
[22:49] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[22:49] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[22:49] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[22:54] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[22:54] H2O joined #tsu.
[22:54] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[22:54] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[22:59] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[22:59] H2O joined #tsu.
[22:59] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[22:59] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[23:04] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[23:04] H2O joined #tsu.
[23:04] <pulacky> コンバンワ
[23:04] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[23:04] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[23:09] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[23:09] H2O joined #tsu.
[23:09] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[23:09] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[23:09] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[23:14] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[23:14] H2O joined #tsu.
[23:14] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[23:14] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[23:14] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[23:19] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[23:19] H2O joined #tsu.
[23:19] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[23:19] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[23:24] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[23:24] H2O joined #tsu.
[23:24] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[23:24] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[23:29] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[23:29] H2O joined #tsu.
[23:29] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[23:29] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[23:34] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[23:34] H2O joined #tsu.
[23:34] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[23:34] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[23:34] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[23:39] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[23:39] H2O joined #tsu.
[23:39] Oops, I'm not really on #tsu
[23:39] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[23:44] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[23:44] H2O joined #tsu.
[23:44] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[23:44] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[23:44] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[23:49] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[23:49] H2O joined #tsu.
[23:49] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[23:49] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[23:49] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[23:54] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[23:54] H2O joined #tsu.
[23:54] #tsu: mode change '+b *!*tyxFlow@*.ct.home.com' by iki0bot!~iki0bot@c484425-a.htfdc1.ct.home.com
[23:54] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[23:54] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[23:59] Last message repeated 5 time(s).
[23:59] H2O joined #tsu.
[23:59] H2O kicked from #tsu by iki0bot: 1st Offense Badword
[23:59] Banned from channel--can't join: #tsu
[00:00] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
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