#tsu 20000705
[23:51] Himself(~Himself@c522571-a.roalok1.mi.home.com) has joined channel #tsu
[23:52] <Himself> 今晩は
[23:52] <Himself> って寝てるか... 笑
[23:53] bB(root@fw.incae.ac.cr) has joined channel #tsu
[23:54] bB is now known as bBb
[00:03] Himself has left IRC(Read error to Himself[c522571-a.roalok1.mi.home.com]: Connection reset by peer)
[00:03] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +b *!*@c??????-a.roalok?.mi.home.com
[00:11] dolunga(~dolunga@oirsa.org.gt) has joined channel #tsu
[00:39] dolunga has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
[00:42] dolunga(~dolunga@oirsa.org.gt) has joined channel #tsu
[00:43] prxlike_slp(~proxylike@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[00:54] isura_matari(~isura-mii@231.pool1.sapporo.att.ne.jp) has joined channel #tsu
[00:55] <isura_matari> お休み前のひとときヽ(´▽`)ゝマタリ
[00:55] bgc004040(~root@ has joined channel #tsu
[00:57] pulala(root@padlock.greenhead.ac.uk) has joined channel #tsu
[00:58] <pulala> こんばんわ
[00:58] <bgc004040> domo
[01:04] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: -b *!*@c??????-a.roalok?.mi.home.com
[01:05] <dolunga> あら・・・?こんばんわ
[01:06] <pulala> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[01:06] mett has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
[01:07] bgc004040 has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
[01:07] <dolunga> 最近まったりばっかりで・・・(;´Д`)
[01:07] <dolunga> ボット落ちちゃうし・・(;´Д`)
[01:07] mett(~mett@ has joined channel #tsu
[01:07] bBb is now known as qulala
[01:08] <pulala> ぬ?(;´ー`)
[01:09] <qulala> め?(´ー`;)
[01:10] <dolunga> 帰ってきた・・・>ボット
[01:11] <pulala> 良かったね(;´Д`)
[01:11] <pulala> つかドペルゲンガ?(;´Д`)
[01:11] <qulala> 良かっにね(;´Д`)
[01:12] <qulala> つかト゚ベルゲンガ?(;´Д`)
[01:13] <pulala> 待ち人来ず、、、
[01:13] <dolunga> mettは私のボットです〜
[01:13] <dolunga> ほえ?
[01:13] <isura_matari> ほえ?
[01:13] <dolunga> 誰を待ってるのですか?
[01:13] <pulala> ほえ?
[01:14] <pulala> pArkです
[01:14] <isura_matari> よし、決めた
[01:14] <dolunga> 何を?>決めた
[01:14] <isura_matari> 暑中見舞の絵柄
[01:14] <dolunga> 今日はちょっと人が多くて嬉しい〜
[01:15] <dolunga> へ〜
[01:15] <dolunga> 年賀状は書くけど暑中見舞いは書かないな〜
[01:15] <isura_matari> 浴衣姿のさくらちゃん。
[01:15] <isura_matari> ←買ったのに使わなかった年賀状60枚保持
[01:16] <dolunga> ぐへぇ・・>60枚
[01:17] <pulala> 60枚ですか、、、
[01:19] <isura_matari> ま、ハガキには違いめぇ(笑)
[01:21] bgc004040(~root@ has joined channel #tsu
[01:23] <dolunga> 郵便局で交換ですね。>60枚
[01:23] <isura_matari> さて、そろそろ寝るさぁ
[01:23] <isura_matari> いんや、そのまま使ってやる(笑い)
[01:23] <pulala> 年賀の部分をキュキュッって(笑
[01:24] <isura_matari> そうそう
[01:24] <isura_matari> んじゃまた、気が向いたら来るねん
[01:24] <isura_matari> おやすみー
[01:24] isura_matari has left channel #tsu
[01:26] <dolunga> ははは・・・
[01:28] <pulala> マタリだねヽ(´ー`)ノ
[01:30] pulala has left IRC(Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:31] pulala(root@padlock.greenhead.ac.uk) has joined channel #tsu
[01:36] <dolunga> マタリマタリー
[01:36] <dolunga> ヽ(´ー`)ノ
[02:36] pulala has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
[02:37] pulala(root@padlock.greenhead.ac.uk) has joined channel #tsu
[02:56] dolunga has left IRC(Leaving)
[03:50] K6ovD(~K6ovD@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[03:50] <K6ovD> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[03:50] K6ovD has left IRC(マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ)
[03:50] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +i
[04:10] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: -i
[04:29] bgc004040 has left channel #tsu
[04:29] PfBpa(~PfBpa@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[04:29] <PfBpa> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:30] VsoYa(~VsoYa@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[04:30] <VsoYa> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:31] JvkFQ(~JvkFQ@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[04:31] <JvkFQ> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:32] PfBpa has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:32] VsoYa has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:32] JvkFQ has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:36] r9Tw5(~r9Tw5@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[04:36] <r9Tw5> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:38] r9Tw5 has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:40] eP2zs(~eP2zs@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[04:40] <eP2zs> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:41] lDQbp(~lDQbp@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[04:41] <lDQbp> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:41] d8E8y(~d8E8y@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[04:41] <d8E8y> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:43] eP2zs has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:43] d8E8y has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:43] lDQbp has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:46] K2Kjh(~K2Kjh@ has joined channel #tsu
[04:46] <K2Kjh> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:47] kZ6iU(~kZ6iU@ has joined channel #tsu
[04:47] <kZ6iU> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:47] ss2OO(~ss2OO@ has joined channel #tsu
[04:48] <ss2OO> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:48] K2Kjh has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Success))
[04:48] kZ6iU has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Success))
[04:48] ss2OO has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Success))
[04:52] VlDQE(~VlDQE@ has joined channel #tsu
[04:52] <VlDQE> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:53] VlDQE has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
[04:54] VhrVe(~VhrVe@ has joined channel #tsu
[04:54] <VhrVe> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:54] p0kopen(~yokkyun@dialup-user115.wao.or.jp) has joined channel #tsu
[04:54] <p0kopen> はよ〜〜〜ん
[04:55] y6lAf(~y6lAf@ has joined channel #tsu
[04:55] <y6lAf> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:55] d2knf(~d2knf@ has joined channel #tsu
[04:55] <d2knf> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:56] ZJgOW(~ZJgOW@ has joined channel #tsu
[04:56] <ZJgOW> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:56] <p0kopen> ??
[04:57] <p0kopen> またり〜〜ヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:57] cG2yT(~cG2yT@ has joined channel #tsu
[04:57] <cG2yT> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:57] VhrVe has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[04:57] VxyoJ(~VxyoJ@ has joined channel #tsu
[04:57] <VxyoJ> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[04:58] KaR1V(~KaR1V@ has joined channel #tsu
[04:58] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +b KaR1V!*@
[04:58] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +i
[04:58] KaR1V was kicked off from #tsu by KillingLemon (Not smart to join flood #tsu)
[04:58] y6lAf has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[04:58] d2knf has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[04:59] ZJgOW has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[05:00] cG2yT has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[05:00] VxyoJ has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[05:11] mett has left IRC(Local kill by skullY (clones (Mask: *@ (1)))
[05:13] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: -i
[05:13] AtkFb(~AtkFb@ has joined channel #tsu
[05:13] <AtkFb> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[05:14] oSVrO(~oSVrO@ has joined channel #tsu
[05:14] <oSVrO> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[05:14] mett(~mett@ has joined channel #tsu
[05:14] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +b mett!*@
[05:14] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +i
[05:14] mett was kicked off from #tsu by KillingLemon (Not smart to join flood #tsu)
[05:16] AtkFb has left IRC(Killed (skullY (clones, buh bye (Mask: *@ (2))))
[05:16] oSVrO has left IRC(Killed (skullY (clones, buh bye (Mask: *@ (3))))
[05:28] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: -b KaR1V!*@
[05:29] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: -i
[05:44] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: -b mett!*@
[07:57] <p0kopen> それではおちるです〜〜
[07:58] p0kopen has left IRC(ひゅ〜どろん)
[07:58] qulala has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[08:13] pulala has left IRC(Ping timeout)
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