#tsu 20000708
[00:00] ws is now known as wws
[00:02] <dolunga> ヽ(´ー`)ノ
[00:05] <wws> (´ー`)
[00:06] <pulala> (゚Д゚)
[00:11] <wws> (゚Д゚)y _~
[00:12] <dolunga> おや?こんばんわ〜>wws
[00:13] <wws> こんばんは
[00:14] <pulala> (゚Д゚)/~~~ビビビ、コンバンワ
[00:14] n9sFr(~n9sFr@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[00:14] <n9sFr> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[00:14] <n9sFr> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[00:14] yBYY7(~yBYY7@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[00:14] <yBYY7> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[00:15] <pulala> ナルホドキレルなこりゃ(゚Д゚)
[00:15] <dolunga> れれれ・・・?
[00:15] <yBYY7> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[00:15] wj55m(~wj55m@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[00:15] <wj55m> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[00:15] <prxlike_cold> あらてアタクか?ヽ(;´ー`)ノ
[00:15] <wj55m> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[00:15] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +i
[00:15] wj55m was kicked off from #tsu by KillingLemon (Not smart to pub flood #tsu)
[00:16] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +b wj55m!*@nsassoc.com
[00:16] <prxlike_cold> services.fef.net WALLOPS :6 Possible clones from (nsassoc.com)
[00:17] <prxlike_cold> こんなの出たよ。(;´Д`)
[00:17] n9sFr has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[00:18] yBYY7 has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[00:18] <dolunga> あ、そりゃskullyさんにfuck youって言われる前兆ですな・・ヽ(´ー`)ノ
[00:18] <prxlike_cold> アタクされると、使えるソクスがぁ(;´Д`)
[00:19] <prxlike_cold> ん〜、クローン○個いるよ〜っておしらせなんですが・・
[00:20] <pulala> ソダネ(゚Д゚)
[00:20] <prxlike_cold> ユーザーモードで+wしてるとみれます。
[00:20] <prxlike_cold> <最近そうだとわかった。
[00:20] <dolunga> [02:50] *** hobbz has joined #tsu_moe2[02:50] <hobbz> iki[02:50] stop with yer fuckin clones
[00:21] <dolunga> こんな事言われてキクされます。ヽ(´ー`)ノ
[00:21] <prxlike_cold> (;´Д`)
[00:22] <dolunga> キクって言うか切断されました・・・(;´Д`)
[00:24] <dolunga> あんまりですhobbzさん。何にもしてないのに・・(;´Д`)
[00:24] <prxlike_cold> あ、アタクおわったかな・・・
[00:25] <prxlike_cold> まー+iついてるしね。
[00:25] <prxlike_cold> ほかにその串つかってるひとが・・・?<何もしてない
[00:26] <prxlike_cold> あ、YdCHS
[00:26] <prxlike_cold> hpgCy
[00:26] <prxlike_cold> なにかしてるらしい<アタク
[00:26] You were kicked off from #tsu by KillingLemon (Not smart to pub flood #tsu)
[00:31] prxlike_cold is now known as prxlike
[00:32] <HnqOP> ヽ(´ー`)ノマタリー
[00:32] <prxlike> ヽ(´ー`)ノ
[00:32] Ot4Pi(~Ot4Pi@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[00:32] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +b Ot4Pi!*@nsassoc.com
[00:32] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +i
[00:32] Ot4Pi was kicked off from #tsu by KillingLemon (Not smart to join flood #tsu)
[00:34] <prxlike> アタクは一度はじめるとどのくらい続くのでしょう?
[00:35] HnqOP has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[00:35] <dolunga> 朝まで生アタカーヽ(´ー`)ノイェーィ
[00:36] <prxlike> アタク用だと思われるnicには+iされてないので、検索するとnicがでてきます。
[00:36] <dolunga> へ〜
[00:37] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +m
[00:37] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +v prxlike
[00:37] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +v dolunga
[00:38] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +v mett
[00:38] <prxlike> yztofとかf1J56とか。<nic
[00:38] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +v pulala
[00:38] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +v un
[00:40] mett has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[00:40] <dolunga> mettga
[00:40] <dolunga> 死んだ・・・
[00:40] <prxlike> 1個できると、1個消え・・で、つねに3つ鯖上にいる模様・・。
[00:40] <pulala> (;´Д`)
[00:41] <dolunga> チャンネルに入らないで待ちかまえているのですか(笑
[00:41] <dolunga> まるで特攻隊みたいですね(笑
[00:41] <prxlike> いや、いまだとチャンネルにはいれずにそのままなんだとおもいます。
[00:41] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: -i
[00:42] mett(~mett@ns01osk.ksakai.co.jp) has joined channel #tsu
[00:42] <dolunga> 帰ってきた・・・
[00:42] W4OwZ(~W4OwZ@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[00:42] <prxlike> 新しいnic生成時に同時にチャンネルにはいる設定ではないかと・・
[00:43] L8sV0(~L8sV0@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[00:43] <prxlike> ・・で、そのとき入れ無いばあいはそのまま消えるまで放置・・って形じゃないかなぁ
[00:43] <dolunga> なるほど〜
[00:44] zLwZw(~zLwZw@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[00:45] IzEEC(~IzEEC@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[00:46] W4OwZ has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[00:46] <prxlike> きっとここが+nってついてなかったら、+iのときにはアタク用発言だけがくると思うよ(笑)
[00:46] Y6J3h(~Y6J3h@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[00:46] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: -b wj55m!*@nsassoc.com
[00:46] L8sV0 has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[00:47] <dolunga> ははは・・
[00:47] zLwZw has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[00:48] EugiR(~EugiR@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[00:48] IzEEC has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[00:49] <prxlike> あ、新しいのには+iするようになったかな・・(^^;
[00:49] Y6J3h has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[00:50] <prxlike> 検索で表示されなくなったよ。
[00:50] EugiR has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:50] <pulala> (笑
[00:53] <prxlike> マッタリヽ(´ー`)ノ
[00:56] qH976(~qH976@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[00:56] mnCnB(~mnCnB@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[00:57] qH976 has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
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[00:57] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: -b prxlike_cold!*@nsassoc.com
[00:58] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +i
[01:02] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: -b Ot4Pi!*@nsassoc.com
[01:06] <prxlike> #tsu2 ?
[01:07] <prxlike> アタク用nicの集う場所ですか?
[01:08] <pulala> ?
[01:09] <prxlike> てゆーか、クローン6個から、services.fef.net WALLOPS :6 Possible clones from (nsassoc.com)
[01:09] <prxlike> ・・・ってでるから、
[01:10] <prxlike> なにかなってまた見てみたら、テキトーなnicのが#tsu2ってとこにはいってたようなので・・
[01:11] <prxlike> ちょっと言ってみた(^^ゞ
[01:14] <prxlike> ・・て、ところでちとお風呂〜
[01:14] prxlike is now known as prxlike_FURO
[01:16] <pulala> ヽ(´ー`)ノ
[01:17] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: -i
[01:22] oL1w9(~oL1w9@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[01:23] q212k(~q212k@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[01:24] I0ciZ(~I0ciZ@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[01:25] DCBix(~DCBix@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[01:26] oL1w9 has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[01:26] <pulala> う〜
[01:26] Di6ir(~Di6ir@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[01:26] <pulala> 寝ます(;´Д`)
[01:27] q212k has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[01:27] ABkIx(~ABkIx@nsassoc.com) has joined channel #tsu
[01:27] pulala has left channel #tsu
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[01:30] ABkIx has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
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[01:37] gs1hT has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[01:38] KlDEP has left IRC(Ping timeout)
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[01:38] hLqMC has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
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[02:00] prxlike_cold(root@fw.incae.ac.cr) has joined channel #tsu
[02:00] <prxlike_cold> ヽ(´ー`)ノ
[02:02] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +v prxlike_cold
[02:02] <prxlike_cold> ヽ(´ー`)ノ
[02:02] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +v mett
[02:04] <prxlike_cold> nsassoc.comが鯖から蹴られるようになったよヽ(;´ー`)ノ
[02:10] <prxlike_cold> ・・・さて、寝るかぁ
[02:10] prxlike_cold is now known as prxlike_slp
[02:10] <prxlike_slp> おやすみぃ〜
[02:27] fzGq9(~fzGq9@oirsa.org.gt) has joined channel #tsu
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[02:38] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +b w8goP!*@oirsa.org.gt
[02:38] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +i
[02:38] w8goP was kicked off from #tsu by KillingLemon (Not smart to join flood #tsu)
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[02:53] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: -i
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[03:08] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: -b w8goP!*@oirsa.org.gt
[03:09] SNj6c has left IRC(Ping timeout)
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[03:33] KillingLemon(terminus@extremely.treacherous.net) has joined channel #tsu
[03:33] New Mode for #tsu by ChanServ: +o KillingLemon
[03:34] k9zdg has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
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[03:35] NwM0R(~NwM0R@oirsa.org.gt) has joined channel #tsu
[03:36] siIC2(~siIC2@oirsa.org.gt) has joined channel #tsu
[03:36] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: -m
[03:36] <siIC2> ヽ(´ー`)ノマタリー
[03:37] NwM0R has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
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[03:40] iHfQu(~iHfQu@oirsa.org.gt) has joined channel #tsu
[03:41] <iHfQu> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[03:41] <iHfQu> ヽ(´ー`)ノマタリー
[03:41] fb1Z5(~fb1Z5@oirsa.org.gt) has joined channel #tsu
[03:42] <fb1Z5> マタリーヽ(´ー`)ノ
[03:42] <fb1Z5> ヽ(´ー`)ノマタリー
[03:42] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +m
[03:42] th76e(~th76e@oirsa.org.gt) has joined channel #tsu
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[03:52] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +b SbXd5!*@oirsa.org.gt
[03:52] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +i
[03:52] SbXd5 was kicked off from #tsu by KillingLemon (Not smart to join flood #tsu)
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[23:56] prxlike_cold(root@fw.incae.ac.cr) has joined channel #tsu
[23:57] <prxlike_cold> こんばんはぁ&おやすみぃ〜
[23:57] <prxlike_cold> ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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