#tsu 20000728

[00:20] <proxylike> ヽ(´ー`)ノ
[00:21] proxylike is now known as prxlike_slp
[00:58] prxlike_slp(~proxylike@www.cassvillesd.k12.wi.us) has joined channel #tsu
[02:07] mett has left IRC(vendetta.fef.net ggn.fef.net)
[02:16] mett(~mett@ns01osk.ksakai.co.jp) has joined channel #tsu
[02:56] ZXC(~zxc@milou.dic.fr) has joined channel #tsu
[02:56] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +b ZXC!*@milou.dic.fr
[02:56] ZXC was kicked off from #tsu by KillingLemon (banned: Read the rule first. Use your common sense second. Lastly ask wis)
[02:57] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +i
[23:54] proxylike(~proxylike@www.cassvillesd.k12.wi.us) has joined channel #tsu
[23:54] <proxylike> こんばんはぁ
[23:55] bgc004040(~root@ has joined channel #tsu
[23:56] <proxylike> おぉ、今日にしてはじめてnickservからpass求められたよヽ(´ー`)ノ
[23:56] <proxylike> こんばんはぁ
[23:56] <bgc004040> domo
[23:56] <bgc004040> 「nickservからpass」ってカタリ防止ですか?
[23:57] <proxylike> そんなもん。
[23:57] <Himself> おっと、今晩は。
[23:57] <Himself> * Himself 14sets back 14from (13Don't click me, huh14) gone for13 25m12s
[23:57] <bgc004040> たまにここinvite onlyなことがあるんですけど
[23:58] <Himself> うーんlagが5秒...
[23:58] <proxylike> それは、アタク対策の副作用というやつです<invite only
[23:58] <bgc004040> そうですか
[23:58] <Himself> JISキックをキックだけにしといたよ。banなし
[23:58] <proxylike> そういうときは、とりあえず#under-tsuに来てください。
[23:59] dim(~qwe@ has joined channel #tsu
[23:59] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +b dim!*@
[23:59] dim was kicked off from #tsu by KillingLemon (banned: Read the rule first. Use your common sense second. Lastly ask wis)
[23:59] KillingLemon sets mode: +i
[23:59] <Himself> +iはこんな感じですな
[23:59] <proxylike> あ、ちょうどイイ例が(^^;;<invite only

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