#tsu 20001110
[21:18] <proxylike> こんばんはぁ
[21:19] <otohime_player> こんばんは!
[21:19] <otohime_player> たまたま見たらライクさん登場〜
[21:19] <proxylike> ヽ(´-`)ノ
[21:21] <proxylike> 早くからみてるんだなぁ・・・とか思ったよヽ(´-`)ノ
[21:23] proxylike is now known as prxlike_comic
[21:27] <prxlike_comic> 暇になったらここでもどうぞ〜http://aufheben.com/
[21:27] <otohime_player> ・・・
[21:27] <otohime_player> 今は一寸・・・
[21:27] <prxlike_comic> 最終更新、今年の2月だけど・・。
[21:28] <prxlike_comic> まぁ、後ででも・・ってことです。ヽ(´-`)ノ
[21:28] <prxlike_comic> 自分は本読みモードなので。
[21:33] ishtar has left IRC(Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:33] ishtar(~ishtar@cnclaaasrv.council.net) has joined channel #tsu
[21:34] <ishtar> ヽ(;´Д`)ノ勝てたのに・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
[21:34] <ishtar> タダイマ
[21:35] <prxlike_comic> オカエリ
[21:39] ishtar has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:39] ishtar(~ishtar@cnclaaasrv.council.net) has joined channel #tsu
[21:39] <ishtar> このソクスもだめだな・・・・
[21:39] <ishtar> やたら落ちる・・・・・・
[21:59] <ishtar> 投了だな・・・・
[22:01] KillingLemon has left IRC(Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[22:02] KillingLemon(terminus@ has joined channel #tsu
[22:02] <ishtar> 今度こそ投了だろ
[22:02] New Mode for #tsu by ChanServ: +o KillingLemon
[22:03] <otohime_player> 無理しないで普通に指せばかっこはついたでしょうが・・
[22:04] <ishtar> そもそも美濃囲いでいいんじゃないの?
[22:09] <ishtar> えらい弱いのと指してるな・・・・(w
[22:11] <ishtar> 3二角
[22:11] <ishtar> ヽ(;´Д`)ノ
[22:13] <ishtar> 相手弱すぎ・・・・
[22:18] <ishtar> 8五打ちたかったな・・・
[22:23] <ishtar> ワラ
[22:28] <ishtar> 66・・・・・
[22:30] <ishtar> 落ちた・・・・
[22:31] <otohime_player> あのね・・・・
[22:31] <ishtar> 外野うるさい?
[22:31] <otohime_player> 勝ったのは良いですが・・
[22:32] <otohime_player> いいえ、見てませんから(笑)
[22:32] <ishtar> ヽ(;´Д`)ノ
[22:32] <ishtar> ならいいか(w
[22:32] <otohime_player> 助言受けるわけにはいきません。
[22:33] <ishtar> というか、もう終わったのか・・・・・・・・
[22:33] <ishtar> 何か早いな・・・
[22:36] <ishtar> 落ちまくるから退場しよ・・・・
[22:39] ishtar has left IRC(Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:41] K_G_Soros(~chocoausr@ has joined channel #tsu
[22:42] ishtar(~ishtar@server.solid.pl) has joined channel #tsu
[22:42] <ishtar> タダイマ
[22:43] otohime_player has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
[22:44] K_G_Soros has left IRC(Read error: 148 (No route to host))
[22:44] otohime(~chocoa@ has joined channel #tsu
[22:44] <ishtar> フレッツも最近駄目だな・・・
[23:02] K_G_Soros(~chocoausr@ has joined channel #tsu
[23:02] x-men(~x-men@ has joined channel #tsu
[23:02] <ishtar> お帰り
[23:02] <K_G_Soros> hoo
[23:22] K_G_Soros has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:25] <otohime> ・・・一手違い・・・
[23:25] <otohime> 終盤が・・
[23:35] prxlike_comic is now known as proxylike
[23:35] <proxylike> ヽ(´-`)ノ
[23:36] <otohime> 時間切れ〜!!(ノ_・。)
[23:36] <ishtar> ヽ(´ー`;)ノ
[23:36] <proxylike> 将棋?
[23:37] <otohime> 絶対勝って田のに〜〜〜!!
[23:37] <otohime> 将棋です・・・
[23:38] <otohime> ・・・・・・・・・・・・
[23:41] <otohime> 早指し得意だったのが・・・
[23:41] <ishtar> はぁ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
[23:42] <otohime> ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
[23:43] <proxylike> ヽ(;´-`)ノ
[23:44] zls(~a@ has joined channel #tsu
[23:44] <proxylike> こんばんはぁ
[23:45] <zls> こんばんは。
[23:45] <zls> 今日はどんなお話を?
[23:45] <otohime> こんばんは!
[23:46] <proxylike> マッタリしています。強いていうなら将棋ネタのよう・・・
[23:46] <otohime> 敗者に語る権利なし(謎)
[23:46] <ishtar> ふ〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜・・・・・・・・・
[23:47] <zls> そういえば将棋強いとかいってましたねぇ・・
[23:47] <otohime> 強いとは一言もいっていませんが・・
[23:48] <zls> え?普通の人には負けないっていっていたのでは。。?
[23:48] <otohime> さて、止めるか続けるか・・
[23:49] <otohime> 普通の人=わざわざネットで将棋指さない人
[23:49] <zls> なるほど。(汗)
[23:50] <otohime> 今日のネタ。
[23:51] <otohime> (アンダーグラウンド)というHNの人に挑戦されました。
[23:51] <zls> かっこいいハンドルですね。(笑)
[23:52] <otohime> しかし、UGといっても????な人でした(笑)
[23:56] <zls> して、どのような挑戦を?
[23:56] <otohime> は?将棋です。
[23:56] <zls> ああ、ごめんなさい。
[23:58] mett has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
[23:58] x-men has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
[23:58] otohime has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:00] Nido(~ppp@clarkm.lnk.telstra.net) has joined channel #tsu
[00:00] x-men(~x-men@ has joined channel #tsu
[00:02] mett(~mett@ has joined channel #tsu
[00:08] <proxylike> ヽ(´-`)ノ
[00:09] <proxylike> ネムイデス(ρ.-)~~
[00:12] otohime(~chocoa@dickethibtwo.ne.mediaone.net) has joined channel #tsu
[00:14] <proxylike> おかえりぃ
[00:14] <otohime> 何故でしょう・・チョコアもmIRCも駄目、再起動も出来ず、電源きりました・・・
[00:14] chnine(jirc@ppm159.noc.nanao.nsk.ne.jp) has joined channel #tsu
[00:14] <otohime> そして仕事です・・・
[00:14] chnine has left IRC(Remote closed the connection)
[00:15] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: +i
[00:16] <proxylike> フリーズしたのか・・
[00:17] <proxylike> そういや、最近はPCフリーズすることってあんまりないなぁ・・・
[00:18] <otohime> いえ・・他のは動いてました。
[00:19] <otohime> IRCだけが駄目・・・
[00:19] <proxylike> なるほど
[00:20] <zls> さっき一度に何人も同じ時間に落ちましたね。
[00:21] <proxylike> それはたぶんソクスだとおもう
[00:22] <proxylike> <何人
[00:22] <zls> うぃ。
[00:25] <proxylike> ・・さて今日は早めに寝ます
[00:25] <proxylike> おやすみぃ
[00:25] proxylike is now known as prxlike_slp
[00:27] <otohime> おやすみなさい!
[00:34] New Mode for #tsu by KillingLemon: -i
[00:37] popo(~ANONY@hirokoji2-141.ppp-1.dion.ne.jp) has joined channel #tsu
[00:38] <zls> こんばんは。
[00:39] <popo> こんばんは
[00:39] <otohime> こんばんは!
[00:41] otohime is now known as otohime_player
[01:09] ishtar has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[01:19] ishtar(~ishtar@server.solid.pl) has joined channel #tsu
[01:41] snyu(~hika@ has joined channel #tsu
[01:53] snyu has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[02:01] zls has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
[02:06] Low(~a@vpn.csihome.com) has joined channel #tsu
[02:06] <Low> こんばんは
[02:11] <popo> こんばんわ
[02:15] Low has left IRC(vendetta.fef.net onix.fef.net)
[02:15] ishtar has left IRC(vendetta.fef.net onix.fef.net)
[02:15] popo has left IRC(vendetta.fef.net onix.fef.net)
[02:15] x-men has left IRC(vendetta.fef.net onix.fef.net)
[02:15] KillingLemon has left IRC(vendetta.fef.net onix.fef.net)
[04:53] prxlike_slp(~proxylike@vpn.csihome.com) has joined channel #tsu
[04:56] <otohime_player> (・_・)......ン?
[05:18] otohime_player has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:19] otohime(~chocoa@dickethibtwo.ne.mediaone.net) has joined channel #tsu
[05:32] ishtar_sleep has left IRC(Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:33] Nido has left IRC(Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[05:37] ishtar(~ishtar@server.solid.pl) has joined channel #tsu
[05:43] Nido(~ppp@clarkm.lnk.telstra.net) has joined channel #tsu
[05:56] <otohime> 将棋となると何時止めるのやら・・・(汗)
[05:58] p0kopen(~yokkyun@dialup-user84.wao.or.jp) has joined channel #tsu
[05:58] <p0kopen> はよ〜〜ん
[06:01] <otohime> おはようございます!
[06:01] <otohime> 参りました(o*_ _)o
[06:02] <otohime> 接続不可能になるまで指し続けてしまった・・
[06:03] <otohime> 明日からが怖い・・
[06:03] <otohime> もう、私のやるべき事は将棋ではないのに・・
[06:04] <otohime> とにかく寝ましょう。。
[06:05] <p0kopen> おでも一時期毎晩ネット麻雀してたことがあったなあ・・
[06:05] <p0kopen> おやすみなさ〜〜い
[06:05] otohime is now known as otohime_dream
[06:06] <otohime_dream> おやすみなさい!
[06:06] <keeper|ebay> おやすみ
[06:10] x-men has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
[06:10] keeper|ebay has left IRC(saihan chatlaara(^-^)/)
[06:11] <MIDO> それでは私も落ちますね
[06:11] MIDO has left IRC(CHOCOA)
[06:16] otohime_dream has left IRC(Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[07:04] mett has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
[07:42] Nido has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[07:53] <p0kopen> それではおちます〜
[07:54] p0kopen has left IRC(ひゅ〜どろん)
[07:56] popo has left IRC(Ping timeout)
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