#under_tsu 20001117

[00:12] arlequin(~arlequin@ has joined channel #under-tsu
[00:12] <arlequin> え?あれ?
[00:13] <otohime> こんばんは!
[00:13] <arlequin> こんばんは
[00:13] <otohime> #tsuにこられては?
[00:13] <arlequin> あの、#tsuに入ろうとしたらinviteonlyだってんで、
[00:13] <arlequin> 入れないんです。
[00:14] <otohime> 何故でしょう・・
[00:14] <arlequin> inviteonlyだからでしょう。
[00:15] <otohime> 私にはまずIRCのことは判りません・・・(汗)
[00:16] <arlequin> 誰かが誘ってくれないと入れないモードになってるようです。
[00:17] <proxylike> あぁ、@持ってるのがbotなんで(^^;;
[00:17] <arlequin> ;_;
[00:17] <otohime> ERROR: #tsu : You're not channel operatorで・・・
[00:17] <proxylike> もう少ししたらモード解除されるので待っててください。
[00:18] <proxylike> ・・とか書いてるあいだに
[00:18] <proxylike> 入れるようになったよヽ(´-`)ノ
[00:19] <proxylike> <#tsu
[00:19] <arlequin> 行きます。ありがとうございます。
[00:41] arlequin has left channel #under-tsu
[01:02] Nido(~ppp@clarkm.lnk.telstra.net) has joined channel #under-tsu
[01:43] proxylike is now known as prxlike_slp
[03:27] Nido has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
[04:06] Nido(~ppp@clarkm.lnk.telstra.net) has joined channel #under-tsu
[04:08] Nido has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
[04:11] Carlitos(aaa@ctv21225136089.ctv.es) has joined channel #under-tsu
[04:11] <Carlitos> somebody speak spanish?
[04:12] <otohime> Sorry,
[04:13] <otohime> Just morment
[04:15] <otohime> Sorry,
[04:16] <Carlitos> thank you!
[04:16] <otohime> We are only Japanese。
[04:16] <Carlitos> ups!
[04:17] <Carlitos> japanese is very dificult!
[04:17] <Carlitos> more than english!
[04:17] keeper(keeper@cx280795-a.orng1.occa.home.com) has joined channel #under-tsu
[04:18] K_G_Soros(~chocoausr@ has joined channel #under-tsu
[04:18] <keeper> hi carlitos
[04:18] <keeper> are you there?
[04:19] Nido(~ppp@clarkm.lnk.telstra.net) has joined channel #under-tsu
[04:19] <Carlitos> hi! im spanish and you?
[04:19] <keeper> i'm japanese.
[04:19] <keeper> can you speak english?
[04:19] <Carlitos> ohh!
[04:19] <keeper> ohh!
[04:20] <keeper> what? are you looking for japanese or something like that?
[04:20] <Carlitos> no,no!
[04:20] <Carlitos> so far!
[04:20] <Carlitos> only think so!
[04:21] <keeper> haha, you are far either.
[04:21] <Carlitos> but the japanese are very happyest people!
[04:21] <keeper> huh? are we happy?
[04:21] <keeper> where are you from?
[04:22] <otohime> I think keeper may be good comminucasion,
[04:22] <Carlitos> iエm spanish!
[04:23] <Carlitos> sorry but i donエt speak english very well!
[04:23] <keeper> oic
[04:23] <Carlitos> i hope that you understand me!
[04:23] <keeper> it doesn't matter, we either hehe
[04:23] <Carlitos> :)
[04:24] <keeper> yeah, i'm very understanding you :p
[04:24] <Carlitos> thank you!
[04:24] <keeper> what time in spain?
[04:25] <Carlitos> hour?
[04:25] <Carlitos> 8:30
[04:26] <Carlitos> afternoom
[04:26] <keeper> 8:30PM?
[04:26] <Carlitos> yes!
[04:27] <Carlitos> and here!
[04:27] <keeper> here i don't know.
[04:27] <keeper> my local time is 11:30AM
[04:27] <Carlitos> aha1
[04:30] <keeper> hey, carlitos. are you m or f?
[04:30] <Carlitos> whatエs?
[04:30] <keeper> male or female?
[04:31] <Carlitos> male,female?
[04:31] <Carlitos> sorry!
[04:31] <keeper> man or girl?
[04:31] <keeper> man or woman
[04:31] <Carlitos> man!
[04:31] <keeper> oic
[04:31] <keeper> who old are you?
[04:32] <Carlitos> carlman
[04:32] <Carlitos> carlitos is a name of men
[04:32] <keeper> it means you are using your real name huh?
[04:32] <Carlitos> 23!
[04:32] <Carlitos> and you?
[04:33] <keeper> same as your age!
[04:33] <Carlitos> my name in juan carlos
[04:33] <Carlitos> is juan carlos
[04:34] <keeper> my name is Rekishi Kantyo
[04:34] <keeper> people call me keeper
[04:35] <keeper> do you understand my saying?
[04:35] <Carlitos> yes
[04:35] <Carlitos> hi keeper
[04:36] <keeper> yes
[04:36] <Carlitos> :)
[04:36] <keeper> are you working? or student?
[04:37] <Carlitos> iエm studen by the morning and iエm workin in the afternoom
[04:38] <keeper> you are real nice student :p
[04:38] <keeper> what's your major?
[04:40] <Carlitos> i study ソrihgt?
[04:40] <keeper> yes
[04:40] <keeper> what are you studying everyday?
[04:41] <Carlitos> whats?
[04:41] <keeper> haaaa........ 
[04:41] <keeper> your school, study what?
[04:42] <Carlitos> i study in the university of Extremadura
[04:44] <keeper> is that math?
[04:45] <Carlitos> math?
[04:45] <Carlitos> sorry
[04:46] <keeper> mathematic
[04:46] <Carlitos> no!
[04:46] <keeper> so what is extremadura?
[04:46] <keeper> is that name of university?
[04:47] <Carlitos> extremadura is a
[04:47] <Carlitos> .....
[04:47] <keeper> .......
[04:47] <keeper> is waht?
[04:48] <Carlitos> is a part of spain ok?
[04:48] <Carlitos> :-)
[04:48] <keeper> it could be ok :p
[04:48] <Carlitos> i donエt know how say you!
[04:49] <keeper> why don't you try it?
[04:49] K_G_Soros has left IRC(Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[04:49] <keeper> go ahead...
[04:50] <Carlitos> is a comunity of spain
[04:50] <Carlitos> here capital is Caceres, my city!
[04:50] <Carlitos> ok?
[04:50] <keeper> ok
[04:51] <keeper> your town is extremadura, isn't it?
[04:51] <Carlitos> and i study in their university
[04:51] <Carlitos> right
[04:51] <Carlitos> ok?
[04:51] <keeper> ic
[04:51] <keeper> i understand
[04:52] <Carlitos> ok!
[04:52] <Carlitos> i speak very bad, i know!
[04:52] <Carlitos> :)
[04:53] <keeper> hehe its ok.
[04:53] <Carlitos> ok
[04:53] <keeper> anyway, i gotta go now.
[04:54] <Carlitos> ohh!
[04:54] <keeper> see you and have a nice chat!
[04:54] keeper has left channel #under-tsu
[04:54] <Carlitos> ok, see you too!
[04:56] <otohime> I can English verry litlle,but I hope MrCarlitos and keeper be good commuicationn
[04:56] <Carlitos> ok!
[04:57] <Carlitos> my engish is very bad too!
[04:57] <Carlitos> :)
[04:57] <Carlitos> where are you from?
[04:58] <Carlitos> japan too otohime?
[04:59] <otohime> From Japan,Tokyo City.
[04:59] <otohime> I am Japanease woman.
[05:01] <Carlitos> ok!
[05:01] <Carlitos> iエm spanish man
[05:02] <Carlitos> and how are you!
[05:03] <otohime> I am working woman,and age 33.
[05:03] ido(~mukamuka@ has joined channel #under-tsu
[05:03] <otohime> hello!!
[05:06] <Carlitos> iエm too!
[05:06] <Carlitos> iエm work now!
[05:07] <Carlitos> iエm work in a Cyber-coffe
[05:08] <otohime> Keeper sad very buzy.
[05:09] <otohime> I am fortune teller.
[05:09] <Carlitos> ソ?
[05:09] <Carlitos> teller?
[05:09] <Carlitos> speakeR?
[05:09] otohime has left IRC(Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:11] <ido> hehehe
[05:11] <Carlitos> hi!
[05:12] <ido> good morning
[05:13] <Carlitos> good afternoom here!
[05:13] <Carlitos> good morning for you!
[05:13] otohime(~chocoa@ has joined channel #under-tsu
[05:14] <otohime> oh,,,
[05:14] <Carlitos> hi othohime
[05:17] <otohime> I Ded delete from net.
[05:17] <otohime> but now OK!
[05:19] <Carlitos> ok
[05:21] <otohime> The fortune teller is work to help the person who can worry because [it] prophesies the future.
[05:22] <otohime> You see?
[05:24] <Carlitos> ahhh, ok!
[05:24] <Carlitos> sorry
[05:25] <otohime> The translation machine of Spanish does not have me though it is regrettable though [it] talks with a translation machine now.
[05:26] <Carlitos> no!
[05:26] <Carlitos> iエm imaginer
[05:26] <Carlitos> :)
[05:27] <otohime> Sorry,Ican understund
[05:27] <otohime> ...also only Japanese...
[05:31] <ido> UZEEEEEEEE
[05:31] <Carlitos> sorry too
[05:33] <otohime> Good luck!
[05:58] Carlitos has left IRC(Leaving)
[06:52] ido has left IRC(CHOCOA)
[06:56] prxlike_0(~proxylike@vpn.csihome.com) has joined channel #under-tsu
[06:56] prxlike_slp has left IRC(Ping timeout)
[08:00] Nido has left IRC(Read error: 0 (Error 0))
[08:12] otohime is now known as otohime_trip

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